Lawyer Intake

Platform to Manage Your BOI Report

Efficient and confidential handling of your Corporate Legal Information

Expertise in the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) in the USA

Understanding and Expert Application of the Law to Protect Your Business.

System for BOI Report Management

Streamlined and Private Processing of Your Business Information.

Automated process with easy payment and efficient filling and sending of information.

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Process carefully designed to comply with the legal requirements of


Private and secure process with information safeguarding, backup, privacy, and professional advice.

About Us

What is The Corporate Transparency Act?

As of January 1, 2024, to help the United States combat financial crimes, business owners will be required to complete the new procedures of the Corporate Transparency Law.
This new law requires the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the U.S. Treasury to collect a database of American companies and their beneficial owners.

Deadlines to Submit Your BOI Report

  • New businesses formed or registered from January 1, 2025: 30 days after notification of effective registration.
  • New Businesses a) formed or registered from January 1, 2024: 90 days after notification of effective registration and b) formed or registered from January 1, 2025: 30 days after notification of effective registration.
  • Exempt now required: Submission of Report within 30 days after losing the exemption.
  • Changes in reported information or Amended Reports: 30 days after change.
  • Non-compliance with the requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act can result in fines of $500 per day and the possibility of facing up to 2 years in prison for serious offenses

Quick information for upload

Registration of multiple companies

Encrypted portal and cybersecurity certificate

Packages for multiple entities

Compliance of conforming material

Compliance With Fincen Your Way

Whether you’re a startup looking for a quick and economical way to file documentation, a more established organization with multiple companies, or a business with different levels of ownership, we have the solutions that will help you comply quickly and efficiently.

Manage BOI Report

BO1 Report

This is the appropriate report for the reporting company that has a single and sole owner who is fully responsible for all the company’s decisions.

  • 1 Report
  • 1 Ultimate Beneficiary
  • LLC - Single Member
  • Electronic Copy BOIR


Go to Report BO1
Amendments, Changes, and Updates to the Initial Report will be subject to an Additional Charge

BO2 Report

This is the appropriate report for the reporting company that has two owners who are jointly responsible for all the company’s decisions.

  • 1 Report
  • 2 Ultimate Beneficiaries
  • LLC - Two Miembros S or C Corp 2 Partners
  • Electronic Copy BOIR


Go to Report BO2
Amendments, Changes, and Updates to the Initial Report will be subject to an Additional Charge

BOM Report

This is the appropriate report for the reporting company that has any of the following: multiple owners, executives in charge of different functions (C-Suite), a board of directors and/or management council, or that is a subsidiary of a foreign company

  • Annual Subscription Amendments, changes and updates to the Initial Report are included
  • Multiple ultimate beneficiaries
  • LLC - S Corp or C Corp with multiple Partners or Members Subsidiary of Foreign Company
  • Electronic Copy BOIR

BOA Report

Your company will have 30 days to report any changes to the reported information which may include; change in the name, address or unique identification number of a beneficial owner declared in a BOI report, change in beneficial owners, a sale that changes the 25% interest or the death of a beneficial owner among others.


Ago 12, 2024

Organizaciones opinan en relación a recopilación de datos para el Reporte BOI

Diversas organizaciones han opinado sobre los formularios de presentación de informes propuestos por FinCEN respecto a la información de identificación requerida por ley para cada beneficiario final. Como se ha declarado oficialmente, la ley de Transparencia Corporativa (CTA) incluye en su requerimiento, la identificación de un beneficiario final.

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Ago 6, 2024

¿Cómo FinCen Valorará la Información Entregada en el Reporte BOI?

Tomando en cuenta los informes emitidos por FinCEN desde que la ley de Transparencia Corporativa (CTA) entró en efecto el 1 de enero de 2024, FinCEN establece que una empresa informante debe presentar un informe BOI identificando a cada uno de sus beneficiarios finales. El reporte debe proporcionar el nombre legal completo, la fecha de nacimiento, la dirección residencial, un número de identificación único (como una licencia de conducir o pasaporte) y una imagen del documento que contiene el número de identificación único, por cada uno de los beneficiarios efectivos.

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Jul 30, 2024

Directores de Empresas Considerados como Propietarios Beneficiarios Finales

Conocemos ya que una empresa que realiza su reporte de Informe de Propiedad Beneficiaria (BOI) de acuerdo con la Ley de Transparencia Corporativa (CTA) tiene la obligación de identificar a cada uno de los miembros de su junta directiva (o directores) como beneficiarios finales. Aunque las regulaciones de FinCEN no exigen que una empresa declarante incluya a todos los miembros de la junta directiva como beneficiarios reales, existen algunas consideraciones prácticas que se deben considerar para elaborar el reporte.

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